About the bc LUMBER trade council
The BC Lumber Trade Council (BCLTC) represents the majority of British Columbian lumber producers on trade matters.
British Columbia accounts for close to 40 percent of Canada’s softwood lumber production and nearly half of our nation’s softwood exports to the United States.
Our Position:
The BCLTC fully supports the Government of Canada’s efforts to reach another managed trade agreement with the U.S. to ensure market access and stability for Canadian forest product workers, companies and communities. BCLTC appreciates that both federal and provincial governments have made this a top priority.
We continue to believe that a new agreement, if properly designed, can provide certainty and stability for lumber producers in Canada and the U.S.
Our strong hope is that the U.S. industry will end this decades-long litigation and instead work with us to meet domestic and global demand for the low-carbon wood products the world wants, including American families.
However, in the absence of an agreement, we will continue to work alongside the Canadian government to vigorously defend the industry against these trade actions brought by the U.S. lumber lobby, as we have done successfully in the past.
Association members:
Alberta Softwood Lumber Trade Council