Statement by the BC Lumber Trade Council on U.S. International Trade Commission Remand Determination on Softwood Lumber

(Vancouver) – Susan Yurkovich, President of the BC Lumber Trade Council made the following statement with respect to today’s remand determination by the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) reaffirming its original affirmative material injury determination ruled as flawed by the NAFTA Panel reviewing the case and sent back to USITC on September 4, 2019:

“The BC Lumber Trade Council is disappointed that the USITC has come to the same unsupportable decision reached in its original determination. We will be working with the Government of Canada to promptly challenge today’s decision.

BCLTC is confident the Panel will again conclude that the Commission’s determination that the U.S. lumber industry is “injured” by Canadian lumber imports continues to be flawed in a number of important respects”.


Media Contact:

Alexa Young